نتائج برنامج Zoology B.Sc. Program Specification

A - The instructor shall register the presence of students at the start of each lecture theory or pro-cess in a practical period Prepared for by the Student Affairs and delivers this record at the end of the semester to manage the affairs of Students.
B - When the student exceeds the absence of 10% of the scheduled hour's instructor shall notify the Department of Affairs Students to guide the first warning to the student.
C - When the student exceeds the proportion of the absence of 20% of the scheduled hour's in-structor shall notify the Department Student Affairs to direct second and final warning to the student.
D - If increased absenteeism 25% of the total scheduled hours and the absence of a student without an acceptable excuse Student Affairs Committee and approved by the College Board, student rec-ords estimate'' deprived'' decision and intervention as a result of failure to calculate the cumulative average of the student.
E - If increased absenteeism was 25% and the absence of the student excuse acceptable to the Commission, Education and Student Affairs and approved by the College Board, student records withdraw from the course.
F - In the case of a request student Add a new decision attendance is calculated from the date of registration.
9- Methods and rules of evaluation.

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