نتائج برنامج Full chem Botany specification

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO's)
a. Knowledge and Understanding
By the end of this program,the graduates of the Chemistry and Botany program should be able to:
a.1 Describe the general properties of plant kingdom which can proceed from two ap-proaches
1) statistic which is concerned with forms and structures
2) Dynamic which is concerned with function ( metabolism , productivity ).
a.2 State factor affecting growth and distribution of plants.
a.3 Describe the of properties plant are concerned with the description and arrangement of living and plant species (taxonomy and systematic)
a.4 Describe ecology, vegetation, plant interaction factor affecting of plant community methods of studying vegetation to get knowledge and understanding about the flow and cycle of the energy and resources.
a.5 Describe host parasite relationship as well as diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi.Microbial metabolism as well as different microbial transformation.
a.6 state chemical composition of the plant cell , different types of stress, different types of media for isolation and identification of microorganism
a.7 Explain the different methods for separation, investigation and identification of chemical compounds may be present in plant body
a.8 Mention the principles of procedures and techniques used in chemical analysis, char-acterization and structural investigations of different chemical compounds.
a.9 Identify the current issues of chemical research and technological development.
a.10 Characterize structure and morphology of different chemical compounds using differ-ent spectroscopic and analytical techniques.
a.11 Identify the major types of chemical reactions, their characteristics and mechanisms as well as their kinetics including catalysis.
a.12 State the princinples of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics including their ap-plications in chemistry.
b. Intellectual Skills
The graduates of the Chemistry and Botany program should be able to:

b.1 Interpret the differences between worlds of plants.
b.2 Assess the interrelationships and the impact of a plant on its ecosystem.
b.3 Analyze chemical data to identify and confirm chemical structures as well as deter-mine chemical composition.
b.4 Integrate and link information across different approaches studied in different areas of chemistry.
b.5 Point out different concepts in different branches of microbiology.
c. Professional and Practical Skills
On successful completion of the graduates of the Chemistry and Botany program should be able to:
c.1 Collect and investigate the different types of plant specie
c.2 Isolate and characterize the different types of microorganisms.
c.3 Analyze the extracts and active constituents from cultivated, wild and, medicinal plants
c.4 Summarize the important role of plants, microorganisms in our life
c.5 Assess risk in laboratory work taking into consideration the specific hazards associated with the use of microbial, chemical materials as well as the safe and proper operation of the laboratory techniques, conduct standard laboratory procedures involved in microbiology and analytical chemistry
c.6 Perform standard laboratory procedures in analytical, physical, organic and inorganic chemistry.
c.7 Examine the physical and chemical properties of compounds.
d. General Skills
The graduates of the Chemistry and Botany program should be able to:
d.1 Use computers and internet for communication, data handling and word processing.
d.2 Collaborate effectively with teamwork members to maintain independent and critical thinking, effective time-management and positive communication and cooperation with other members of the teamwork.
d.3 Effectively manage tasks, time, and resources.
d.4 Search for information and engage in life-long self learning discipline.
d.5 Help raising public awareness of the benefits of conserving intellectual property rights and scientific patents on the individuals and communities.
d.6 Assess the microbiological safety.

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